Longfang Bridge: Illuminating Wenzhou's Cultural Landscape

Wenzhou Design Assembly's Award-Winning Nightscape Project

The Longfang Bridge, designed by Wenzhou Design Assembly Company Ltd, stands as a beacon of cultural representation and architectural innovation in Wenzhou, China. This lighting design project has not only enhanced the bridge's functionality but also transformed it into a stunning local landmark, earning it a prestigious Silver A' Architectural Lighting Design Award in 2024.

The Longfang Bridge's lighting design is a testament to the harmonious blend of technology and culture. Situated in the Nantang Cultural Tourism Zone and Wenruitang River Scenic Belt, the bridge serves as a vital conduit for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The design team, led by Yao Shi, has meticulously crafted a lighting scheme that accentuates the bridge's structural hierarchy while seamlessly integrating it into the serene ambiance of the Jiangnan canal town. The result is a nightscape that not only facilitates movement but also celebrates the local Tanghe Culture.

The design's uniqueness lies in its strategic use of contrasting color temperatures and saturation levels. Pedestrian pathways are bathed in warm 2200K high-saturation lights, which starkly contrast with the main bridge's 4000K low-saturation illumination. This differentiation not only highlights the bridge's architecture but also ensures functional lighting for traffic. The intelligent control system, equipped with timers and sensors, contributes to energy efficiency by adjusting the lighting based on the time of day and ambient light levels.

Technical specifications of the bridge reveal its impressive scale, stretching 387.08 meters from Longfang Road to the planned branch road in the east. The design team, including electrical engineers YiHong Chen, Jing Wang, and JunChao Chen, alongside bridge engineers LiFeng Wu and XingFeng Tan, have ensured that every technical aspect of the bridge supports its aesthetic and functional goals.

Interactivity is a core component of the Longfang Bridge's design. The lighting system offers three distinct modes for weekdays, weekends, and special occasions, allowing the bridge to adapt its ambiance to suit the mood of the city. On weekdays, the lighting remains static, while weekends and festivals see dynamic, single-color lighting effects. For major events, the bridge can display ten pre-set dynamic color-changing scenes, adding to the celebratory atmosphere.

The design process was underpinned by extensive research and testing, including the use of DIALux software for lighting simulations and on-site performance evaluations of various lighting fixtures. This meticulous approach ensured that the final installation would not only be visually striking but also technically sound. The design team's creative and technical prowess was recognized when the Longfang Bridge was awarded the Silver A' Design Award, a testament to their exceptional skill in architectural lighting design.

In conclusion, the Longfang Bridge is more than just a structure; it is a luminous symbol of Wenzhou's rich cultural heritage and commitment to innovative design. The Wenzhou Design Assembly Company Ltd has created an iconic attraction that resonates with both locals and visitors, showcasing the power of lighting in transforming urban landscapes. This project sets a benchmark for future architectural endeavors, where functionality, beauty, and cultural expression are in perfect alignment.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lighting Design Institute of Wenzhou Design Assembly Company Ltd
Image Credits: Wenzhou Design Assembly Company Ltd, One Thousand Degree Image
Project Team Members: Lighting Designer : Yao Shi Electrical Engineer : YiHong Chen Electrical Engineer : Jing Wang Electrical Engineer : JunChao Chen Assistant Lighting Designer : WeiJian Xia Assistant Lighting Designer : BiXue Liu Assistant Lighting Designer : ShengHao Huang Assistant Lighting Designer : XiuYa Zheng Bridge Engineer : LiFeng Wu Bridge Engineer : XingFeng Tan Landscape Architect : ZiHui Zhang
Project Name: Longfang Bridge
Project Client: Lighting Design Institute of Wenzhou Design Assembly Company Ltd

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